What’s worse — that your website is built incorrectly…or that you don’t even realize it?
Anyone who has been following TourismTiger for long enough will know that our mission is to build the perfect tourism website. We then share all our design advances with our customers as part of their monthly fee.
How do we make these advances, though? I’ve decided to share publicly one of our secret weapons so anyone can use it. The best news? For most people, it’s free. Introducing Hotjar(opens in a new tab).
Imagine if we could see exactly where people are clicking and scrolling their mouse? This way we could understand exactly what is distracting, confusing, or attracting our guests.
This information is super valuable. Just by looking at this heat map, we now know which content is more attractive and popular. This means we can re-order tours according to the popularity of content.
Doesn’t Google Analytics already tell you some of that information? Yes, but it can’t address all of the crucial details that Hotjar dishes out.
Heat maps are one thing. Screen recording sessions are another. You can actually watch videos of people interacting with your site.
This is so cool. Just by watching these videos, you can quickly discover points of confusion that you had no idea about. To watch a video of someone using your site is to be able to be able to look at your site again for the first time — through their eyes.
It’s not just for desktop either. You can watch videos of people using your site on iPhones, Android devices and iPads with no problems at all. You’ll almost definitely discover some excellent possible improvements just from watching only a few videos.
We arrived at our design based on watching previous videos! We had analyzed our previous design layout, and it was obvious that some people were getting lost. How much can your website improve just by the simple act of watching people using it? You’d be surprised how much.
Hotjar has many more features that I haven’t even touched upon, including the ability to poll your visitors, track your forms to see which fields are failing and more.
Given that 90-95% of tourism websites have glaring errors — if you’re reading this, then the odds would suggest that yours does, too — then I can’t recommend this tool highly enough.
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